About the American Wildlife Conservation Foundation
In 1911, visionary conservationists Harry Leonard and
William Clark of the Winchester Arms Company established
the American Game Protective and Propagation Association.
Leonard and Clark realized that strong measures were needed
to reverse the rampant slaughter of game in the absence
of state and federal laws.
The Association pledged to preserve game and fish by initiating
protective legislation, establishing reserves, educating
the public, and organizing societies and government authorities
in a nationwide conservation effort. The Association’s
grand idea was reflected in its motto: “The Game
of a Continent – Ours to Perpetuate.”
Guiding the Association were conservation notables John
Burnham, William Haskell, George Shiras III, George Grinnell,
Carlos Avery, and Seth Gordon, among others.
President Theodore Roosevelt gave the young organization
his blessing. Their energy led them to their greatest achievement – Congressional
passage of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, signed by President
Taft on March 13, 1913.
In 1970, the American Game Protective and Propagation
Association joined the New York State Conservation Council
Foundation and American Game Association Foundation, renamed
in 1978 as the American Wildlife Research Foundation. In
2003, the name was finally changed to American Wildlife
Conservation Foundation to reflect its broader mission
and program more accurately.
The purposes of the Foundation, as outlined in its Certificate
of Incorporation, are to aid in the formulation and establishment
of sound policies and practices designed to conserve, protect,
restore and perpetuate forests, wildlife, scenic and recreational
areas in North America, to the general end that the present
and succeeding generations may continue to enjoy and use
these great natural resources. |